

3PR Solutions is a Webdesign and lifestyle solution company that offers services to individual and small business for getting started having a personal or business website or blog along with personal lifestyle solutions in personal development and business success area coaching.

We are small company that specializing in personalized services from personal and small business websites, blogs and finding success. We are working towards adding more resources that will help you live the best life.

Why we started this site? There are many excellent websites that provides web designs or, books that teaches how to find success, goals and making money. However we had yet to find a place where one can achieve happiness and success together. It might be a tall order, but we have tried to carved a niche for ourselves so we know there are people out there who want peace, happiness, love as much as making money, finding success and reaching their goals.

Join us in our journey to peace, success and happiness.

Frequently Asked questions:

Are you a coach in person? Do you provide services?

We offer currently website or blog design services and adding coaching services via online for easy access. We are in process of ironing out details currently.

I do not know what I want, do you offer free or cheap coaching?

We understand how confusing it can be to start a new website, blog or even a small business or change your life direction. We have detailed form for you to fill out to give us an idea where to start.  Please contact us for more details.

Where do you get these cool Images?

All of our images are Amazon Posters unless otherwise noted.

To contact us, click here: Contact Us